
We have so many exciting topics to cover, and we’re still finalizing the details. The full schedule will be announced soon—stay tuned to the EDUC website and Data Access Europe's social media for updates. In the meantime, explore some of the options we’re considering for the agenda below.

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DataFlex: a New Technology Stack

At EDUC in Split you will be briefed about the progress and status of the TechStack project. This ambitious project will replace the current Win32-base with an OS-independent new technology stack. In the future, you will run your DataFlex applications on Windows, Linux or maybe Mac OS.

To keep it short: DataFlex TechStack is a BIG thing - Come to Split, to prepare for the future of DataFlex!


When developing software, security demands your continuous learning, updating and testing. Many people have signed up for the security training, Tuesday, Oct. 8th 9 AM. And presentations during the conference will cover security topics as well. In the making are a base class layer for supporting OpenID Connect, for example.

An overview of authorization, authentication and verification, OpenID Connect and oAuth, in relation to DataFlex are all explained.

Another important security topic is how to create a highly secure environment for allowing people to upload files to a web portal. This is about the new Secure Upload library in DataFlex.

You may see FlexFides in action, in Split. 

FontAwesome Looks - the Easy Way!

Creating great looking applications with DataFlex has never been easier, especially since the introduction of FlexTron. But why stop there? Go the extra mile and get creative by adding Font Icons to your UI to really make it sing without being a CSS or HTML expert. Peter Bragg uses font icons from FontAwesome, the world’s most popular icon set and toolkit, in his applications. In his presentation Peter will demonstrate how you too can quickly and painlessly add icons to things like cWebGroup Captions, cWebTagPage tabs and even cWebList placeholder text.

How DataFlex advances Quantaris in its modernization efforts

Quantaris BV provides a DataFlex-based ERP solution and digital administrative support to many Dutch notary offices. These notaries use Quantaris software daily to process a significant number of real estate transaction files each year.

In Split, you’ll learn how the latest version of DataFlex is playing a pivotal role in Quantaris' application modernization journey. New DataFlex capabilities and enhancements are contributing to more efficiency for developers and end users, critical transaction accuracy and innovation within the notary public software market. With DataFlex, the Quantaris team is automating notary processes, reducing administrative workload and providing transparent reporting. But for all, it is the excellent UI/UX built in DataFlex that enhances client experience, impressing existing customers, and competitors. DataFlex helps transforming Quantaris into the web future of notarial services!

Tales of the Times; A Migrant’s Journey

Hear the story of one ancient developer being dragged against his will from the deep dark past into the shining glory of the future. Follow along as Michael & his team are pulled kicking and screaming into an entirely new User Interface and program workflow.

Experience the Pain, and the Joy as they migrate their flagship Application “Ethos” from Win32 DataFlex to Win64 FlexTron. See what was in the past - see what it brings to the future. There are many lessons, hints and dire warnings along the way that you can learn at EDUC 2024.

Make DataFlex stronger. Make life easier!

Getting started with DataFlex. Or getting started with Web! Several projects that are underway to make it very easy to complete your first DataFlex web or desktop application will be demonstrated in Split.

In the new DataFlex Studio you automatically generate code for your new web application. As integral part of Studio, a new Navigation Panel lets you not only generate Views on the fly but sort out navigation in a drag & drop fashion. If you haven’t moved your projects to web yet, now is your chance to do so!


DBAUTO is another project underway. It is the working title for multiple enhancements for creating new databases. See a first result in action at EDUC.

“REST made easy”, is another project, that will be launched this fall. Research on a new editor for Studio and Artificial Intelligence are also on the list. Charts in DataFlex? A new Charts library is created to support a variety of third-party Charting libraries, like ChartJS, HighCharts and SyncFusion - can be demonstrated at EDUC. Do you know what iCal is? Ever had the need to provide an iCal in DataFlex?

Come to Split to learn what is cooking!

DataFlex, Overview & Status

DataFlex’s rapid evolution is delivering an impressive array of new features that enhance application development, user experience and security. With 64-bit and Unicode support, modern UI components, improved data connectivity, and advanced debugging tools, DataFlex is poised to help you build applications that stand out in today’s competitive landscape. In Split we will present the many new features, enhancements and innovations in the product as well as success stories of developers doing leading edge work with the latest DataFlex.

DataFlex Dashboards

Contemporary applications need a dashboard. Soon DataFlex will have its own Dashboard ‘framework’ in the box! With the latest framework and techniques, every DataFlex developer can create dashboards with standard DataFlex code for creating dashboard “widgets”. End-users can then dynamically select widgets, drag, drop, resize & arrange them at will to create custom, personalized application dashboards.

Come to EDUC to learn how easy it is to create user-customizable dashboards with DataFlex!


FlexTron is the hot, new DataFlex technology allowing developers to create Windows desktop applications that have a full, rich WebApp framework based UI/UX.

With FlexTron, your DataFlex Windows apps can have any web design or functionality you want all without needing a web server or WebApp server software.

DataFlex Reports

For ‘pixel-perfect’, paper-size-aware reporting, DataFlex Reports is the standard. Its integration library allows developers to seamlessly integrate reports in Windows and Web applications alike so users never see a separate reporting tool. At EDUC in Split you will see the work in progress on a new edition for providing a web-based DataFlex Reports “portal”, where end-users can create their own filter panels, without programming.

Package Manager

In the near future, the DataFlex Studio will be your “window” on all DataFlex used in your applications, whether it’s framework components delivered with the Studio, or components written by you or from outside sources. The Studio’s new Package Manager is the tool to help you with that.

Within your Studio, you’ll see how you can conveniently point at the library you want to add, and Package Manager will make sure to add the correct version to your Workspace.

Installing, updating and managing libraries and their dependencies are made very easy with the Package Manager. The Package Manager can help keep libraries up to date with the latest security patches and feature improvements, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities in the codebase.

And last, but not least: Package Manager is a new asset within the community, since components can be easily shared among DataFlex developers. 


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